
Temperament  and Christian Counseling

Temperament Theory

The Five Temperaments

Traditionally, there have been four temperaments, Melancholy, Sanguine, Choleric, and Phlegmatic. A fifth temperament, Supine, was identified over 30 years ago, is called the Supine and describes a person who has is a servant's heart. Click Below to find out more about Temperament Counseling and to start your own temperament assessment

The Arno Profile System (A.P.S)

The Arno Profile System or A.P.S. identifies who God created us to be or who we become through learned behavior, which can be entirely different. The A.P.S. identifies our inborn, God-given temperament and places it in the hands of a Christian counselor which allows for a biblical course of counseling. The A.P.S. only takes 8 to 10 minutes to complete. Click here to start your own A.P.S. questionnaire and get started on a Christ centered journey to wellness.

Let’s talk about Temperament

I would love to connect with you and discuss the potential you have to discovery who God made you to be through the use the the Arno Profile System and counseling based in scripture.